TU 2.0


TU有什么新鲜事吗? 今年夏天发生了很多事情. Below are just a few of the exciting changes being made in time for Fall 2023.


松树宿舍楼正在进行一些翻新.The improvement project of the residence hall includes resurfacing the parking lot, 室内绘画, 扩建食堂, 淋浴装置, 公共区域和洗衣区也进行了升级.

莫里斯·布莱克, 澳门受权博彩网站设施管理主任, 宿舍里的墙壁说, 包括在公共区域, 用餐区, 洗衣房, 游戏区和走廊, 会被漆成令人愉快的灰色吗, 饰边将被漆成灰白色. 墙壁的颜色以前是白色和绿色.

The parking lot has been resurfaced and expanded from 30 parking spaces to 45. 停车位将在宿舍的前面和后面.

用餐区又扩大了1735平方英尺(约合735平方米). The expanded dining includes the area as you enter the residence hall from the front of the building. A common area is now located in back of the 用餐区 and includes a gaming area with a pool table, 电视, 和沙发.

两年前,学生宿舍里安装了15个淋浴器. 今年夏天,剩下的18个淋浴房将被替换成新的淋浴房.

洗衣房将增加两台洗衣机和烘干机. 总共有6台洗衣机和6台烘干机.


TU is in process of developing practice fields on the Magnolia campus for both men’s and women’s 足球.这两个足球场各为110码. 它们将位于体育馆前面,彼此相邻. The fields will be grass, and there will be huddle cameras above the fields to record practices. 该油田将于7月底完工.请继续关注最新图片!




TU has reconfigured the workout room to better prepare all our student athletes for their sport. 看看我们的新设备!
TU举重室The strength and conditioning room has more than 400 pieces of equipment for all TU student-athletes who participate in a variety of sports, 包括棒球, 篮球, 游泳, 田径, 夺旗橄榄球, 足球, 足球, 和垒球, 等.


“作为一名力量和体能训练人员,我们的目标是让我们的运动员变得更大, 快, and stronger while at the same time working on maintaining (or gaining) mobility/flexibility in the process, 以创建一个更“完整”的最终目标 & “全能”的学生运动员根据每个单项运动的需要,科里·波特, 体能训练主任, 说.


Athletes can do different exercises in the strength and conditioning room such as back squats, 前面蹲, 分裂蹲, 后脚抬高开叉深蹲, 推,, 挂打扫, 权力清理, 推压, 台印刷机, 倾斜台式压力机, 军事压, 引体向上, 哑铃卧推, 哑铃倾斜卧推, 哑铃行, 哑铃行, 哑铃军用压力机, 还有其他东西.


  • 15个奥运衣架 & 平台(每个机架包括(1)可调节工作台, 多个上拉杆附件, 地雷附件, 和多个电阻带)
  • 2 Dumbbell Sections (each dumbbell section has 4 adjustable benches, 2 sets of 5磅.-50磅. 哑铃和一组55磅.-100磅. 哑铃)
  • 06(45磅). 盘子),18(35磅. 盘子),70(25磅. 盘子),70(10磅. 盘子),40(5磅. 板), & 30 (2.5磅. 板)
  • 4个臀肌火腿/背部伸展机
  • 20+药球(6磅.-20磅.)
  • 5战斗绳索
  • 4陷阱栏杆
  • 1套增力箱



  • 2台腿部按压机
  • 伸腿机1台
  • 卷腿机1台
  • 1 .等侧胸背机
  • 1髋部 & Glute机
  • 1、拉拉机


  • 5个跑步机
  • 5椭圆星系
  • 4固定式自行车


+新! 学习共用区及学生活动室

TU has totally remodel the old library to provide a better place for students to do group work, 接受辅导,找个地方和朋友一起出去玩. 图书馆的资料仍可用于研究和课堂项目. 电影,虚拟现实头显,大量的游戏!


“我们想把图书馆空间变成一个新的学习共享空间, which will provide an environment for our students with the most comfortable atmosphere to assist with their studies,蒂芙尼·麦卡德尔, 共享学习技术助理, 说. 


学习共享有19个独立的学习单元, 24张桌子用于协同工作, 还有两间带智能电视的私人自习室, table,  和椅子. There is also a comfortable seating area that has a couch and four comfy chairs, 还有四把新的大号豆袋椅.


学生不仅可以学习,还可以玩游戏. 学习共享有两个MetaQuest VR头显.

“我们对此感到非常兴奋,它们在学生中很受欢迎, 教师, 和工作人员,麦卡德尔说. 顾客可以玩《澳门网络博彩网站》等游戏, 太空海盗, 和虚拟高尔夫或冥想使用引导冥想应用程序. 我们还有一个帮助学习的应用程序叫做图书馆, students can add flashcards and play games involving finding the hidden cards and then shooting the correct answer when they pop up.”TU学习共享

“MLK: Now is the Time” and “Anne Frank House” were recently added to the VR experience. 两者都在一个全新的沉浸式环境中将历史带入生活.

Another new amenity that is available is a small coffee station that is sponsored by CAB. 学生们可以喝杯咖啡、茶或热巧克力. 


There are some books available in the 学习共享, but the vast majority are in a storage area. 学生可以通过点击这个访问TU的在线目录来申请图书 link. 然后这些书将被搁置. Staff will retrieve the books and notify the student when it is available for pickup. 学生也可以发送电子邮件到 tulibrary@neptunemarineservices.net 获取任何更新.



Nice to have a place to store all the equipment…and industrial-sized laundry equipment!
TU设备房和洗衣房设备间是放橄榄球头盔的地方, 垫肩, 楔子, 口部分, 腰带和更多的东西被储存起来. 场地设备,如足球, 解决包, 其他的练习设备也放在那个房间里. 设备室内有洗衣工和染色工.

+新! 运动科学专业获得实验室

The 锻炼 Science and Sports 管理 majors will be able to get some ‘hands on’ experience with a new lab just for them! The facility is being built out on the second floor of the Gymnasium building.


男子足球更衣室更衣室于5月完工. 它有115个储物柜,供运动员存放个人物品. 还有11间淋浴房和6间浴室. 球员可以在更衣室里听音乐.

+FIRST TU男子足球训练营

这是我们第一次团队训练的照片. We are having our spring practice ‘late’ so that we could bring in our new recruits to practice with the players who started classes last year. 这是建立团队合作的好机会!


新的女旗橄榄球队更衣室看起来棒极了! 有56个储物柜,所以每个运动员可以使用两个. 有三个带浴室的隔间和两个淋浴间. 在更衣室里还有一个主教练办公室.


福布斯校区的咨询人员将搬到Magnolia校区. 这为在校学生提供了更方便的咨询服务.


There are two new conference rooms at the Magnolia 校园, a large room and a small room.大会议室可容纳72人. It has a short-throw projector with a computer lectern and a six-speaker sound system connected to the lectern computer.

这个小会议室可容纳约8人. 它可以用来举办小型会议. It has a 75” Newline touchscreen panel with a built-in computer along with a Poly video conferencing device with AI tracking. The AI tracking allows the camera to track whoever the speaker is in the room as they move throughout the room.

“在TU,任何需要空间的人都可以使用它们,——库尔特·斯特林费罗, 学院发展副主席兼体育总监, 说.


澳门受权博彩网站为所有学生提供了一项新的膳食计划.The new meal plan provides students with 19 meals per week at the Pinetree Residence Hall. The plan includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner on weekdays, along with brunch and dinner on weekends.

The meal plan is included in the housing package for Pinetree student residences. 其他学生可以购买膳食计划.

除了新的饮食计划, students are required to swipe their new student ID cards to get meals at the Pinetree Residence Hall.

Previously, students were offered 10 meals per week — breakfast and dinner from Monday – Friday.

The dining room at Pinetree Residence Hall has been expanded to accommodate more students using the new 19 meal Meal Plan


澳门受权博彩网站 will be a satellite location for the Tallahassee Vet Center beginning this Fall.斯蒂芬•弗格森, TU负责军事和企业关系的副总裁, 说 the Vet Center will provide resources and services to veterans in the area as well as those attending TU.

Ferguson 说 TU began its military and veterans’ program in 2017 when there were a small number of military-affiliated students enrolled. 现在,这个项目已经扩大到近300名与军队有关的学生. TU will also hold the inaugural season of its military transition 足球 team with the first game on September. 2.

“We have grown our veterans and military programming to where there is a real need for Veteran’s Administration personnel to be on our campus to assist with mental health counseling, 澳门网络博彩网站的好处, 残疾人福利, 转介到其他资源或其他退伍军人服务组织,他说.

TU与塔拉哈西兽医中心有着长期的合作关系. 自2017年以来, TU and the Tallahassee Vet Center have been working on different initiatives including referring TU vets or other area vets that have engaged with TU for assistance with services specific to homelessness, 心理健康问题, 儿童保育服务. 兽医中心也在TU做了很多演讲.

The Tallahassee Vet Center was using a facility in Thomasville to provide group counseling, 团体治疗, 并与该地区的退伍军人及其家属进行一对一的会面. 然而, 弗格森说这不利于一些老将的日程安排, 所以TU为塔拉哈西兽医中心提供了使用校园的机会.

“这个机会太棒了,”弗格森说. “这不仅提高了TU退伍军人项目的知名度, but allows TU to become a centralized hub for veterans in the surrounding areas. 职业澳门网络博彩网站培训中心提供多种服务, 包括咨询和转介到退伍军人服务和其他资源.



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