将正式成绩单寄至 admissions@neptunemarineservices.net
招生 Office, 澳门受权博彩网站, 密塘道1501号, 托马斯维尔,GA 31792
没有上过大学的学生,请提供正式的高中成绩单或GED.Students with prior college credit and those applying to the 2+2 program must submit official transcripts from all previously attended colleges. You can order transcripts from prior colleges here.
申请MLS 2+2课程的学生最近完成了他们的课程,可以被录取并开始攻读学士学位. However, they must pass the MLT exam within two semesters. 一旦接受了 into the major courses, 项目主管会和你一起确保必要的额外文件.
希望申请MLS学士学位后证书课程的学生必须完成生物学学士学位, 化学, 在地区认可的大学攻读微生物学或其他物理科学专业,累积GPA为2分.75或以上. They must also fulfill the following pre-requisite courses or equivalent:
- 大学代数或更高
- 统计数据
- 生物I或同等学历
- 普通化学I
- 普通化学II
- Anatomy & 生理学我
- Anatomy & 生理学二世
- 有机化学概览
Admission to the MLS program requires a cumulative GPA of 2.75或以上. 攻读生物医学实验室科学专业的学生的累积GPA必须达到2分.0或更高.
What is the career outlook for Medical Laboratory Scientists?
从2022年到2032年,医疗实验室技术人员和技术人员的总体就业预计将增长5%, faster than the average for all occupations. 预计老龄化人口的增加将导致对医疗条件诊断的更大需求, such as cancer or type 2 diabetes, 通过实验室程序.
What Can I Do with This Degree?
Laboratory Scientists in small laboratories perform many types of tests; in large laboratories, 他们有时很专门化. They test and analyze body fluids, operate laboratory equipment such as microscopes, 记录医学测试的数据并将结果输入到患者的医疗记录中,并与医生和护士讨论结果和发现.
- 血库科学家, or immunohematology scientists, 收集血液, 按类型分类, and prepare blood and its components for transfusions.
- 临床化学科学家准备标本并分析体液的化学和激素含量.
- 血液学科学家通过检查血液来确定血块或癌症等状况或疾病
- 分子生物学科学家对细胞样本进行蛋白质和核酸测试,如基因测序.
- 微生物学 scientists examine and identify bacteria and other microorganisms.
实验室科学家和技术人员在某一领域工作了很长时间后,往往会专攻某一领域, or have received advanced education or training. Some students use this program as a pre-professional track for medical school.
Some students use this program as a pre-professional track for medical school.
Program Director and Clinical Coordinator:
Jeanette Norris, MS, MLS(ASCP)cm
Dawn Williamson, MS, MLS(ASCP)cm
Nickellatt Callihan-Walker, MHA, MLS (ASCP)
Rebecca James, MS, MLS(ASCP)cm
Hind Kurbaj, MS, MLS(ASCP)cm
乔治亚·史密斯,m.g。.Ed., mba, MLS (ascp)
Rebecca Stratford, MS, MLS(ASCP)cm